Server Configuration

Gofer runs as a single static binary that you deploy onto your favorite VPS.

While Gofer will happily run in development mode without any additional configuration, this mode is NOT recommended for production workloads and not intended to be secure.

Instead Gofer allows you to edit it's startup configuration allowing you to configure it to run on your favorite container orchestrator, object store, and/or storage backend.


There are a few steps to setting up the Gofer service for production:

1) Configuration

First you will need to properly configure the Gofer service.

Gofer accepts configuration through environment variables or a configuration file. If a configuration key is set both in an environment variable and in a configuration file, the value of the environment variable's value will be the final value.

You can view a list of environment variables Gofer takes by using the gofer service start -h command. It's important to note that each environment variable starts with a prefix of GOFER_. So setting the host configuration can be set as:

export GOFER_SERVER__HOST=localhost:8080

Configuration file

The Gofer service configuration file is written in HCL.

Load order

The Gofer service looks for its configuration in one of several places (ordered by first searched):

  1. Path given through the GOFER_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  2. /etc/gofer/gofer.hcl

🪧 You can generate a sample Gofer configuration file by using the command: gofer service init-config

Bare minimum production file

These are the bare minimum values you should populate for a production ready Gofer configuration.

The values below should be changed depending on your environment; leaving them as they currently are will lead to loss of data on server restarts.

🪧 To keep your deployment of Gofer safe make sure to use your own TLS certificates instead of the default localhost ones included.

// Gofer Service configuration file is used as an alternative to providing the server configurations via envvars.
// You can find an explanation of these configuration variables and where to put this file so the server can read this
// file in the documenation:
ignore_pipeline_run_events = false
run_parallelism_limit      = 200
pipeline_version_limit     = 5
event_log_retention        = "4380h"
event_prune_interval       = "3h"
log_level                  = "info"
task_run_log_expiry        = 50
task_run_logs_dir          = "/tmp"
task_run_stop_timeout      = "5m"

external_events_api {
  enable = true
  host   = "localhost:8081"

object_store {
  engine = "sqlite"
  sqlite {
    path = "/tmp/gofer-object.db"
  pipeline_object_limit = 50
  run_object_expiry     = 50

secret_store {
  engine = "sqlite"
  sqlite {
    path           = "/tmp/gofer-secret.db"
    encryption_key = "changemechangemechangemechangeme"

scheduler {
  engine = "docker"
  docker {
    prune          = true
    prune_interval = "24h"

server {
  host                  = "localhost:8080"
  shutdown_timeout      = "15s"
  tls_cert_path         = "./localhost.crt"
  tls_key_path          = "./localhost.key"
  storage_path          = "/tmp/gofer.db"
  storage_results_limit = 200

extensions {
  install_base_extensions = true
  stop_timeout          = "5m"
  tls_cert_path         = "./localhost.crt"
  tls_key_path          = "./localhost.key"

2) Running the binary

You can find the most recent releases of Gofer on the github releases page..

Simply use whatever configuration management system you're most familiar with to place the binary on your chosen VPS and manage it. You can find a quick and dirty wget command to pull the latest version in the getting started documentation.

As an example a simple systemd service file setup to run Gofer is show below:

Example systemd service file

Description=gofer service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/gofer service start
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


3) First steps

You will notice upon service start that the Gofer CLI is unable to make any requests due to permissions.

You will first need to handle the problem of auth. Every request to Gofer must use an API key so Gofer can appropriately direct requests.

More information about auth in general terms can be found here.

To create your root management token use the command: gofer service token bootstrap

🪧 The token returned is a management token and as such as access to all routes within Gofer. It is advised that:

  1. You use this token only in admin situations and to generate other lesser permissioned tokens.
  2. Store this token somewhere safe

From here you can use your root token to provision extra lower permissioned tokens for everyday use.

When communicating with Gofer through the CLI you can set the token to be automatically passed per request in one of many ways.