
Extensions are Gofer's way of adding additional functionality to pipelines. You can subscribe your pipeline to an extension, allowing that extension to give your pipeline extra powers.

The most straight-forward example of this, is the interval extension. This extension allows your pipeline to run everytime some amount of time has passed. Let's say you have a pipeline that needs to run every 5 mins. You would subscribe your pipeline to the interval extension using the gofer cli command gofer extension sub internal every_5_seconds set to an interval of 5m.

On startup, Gofer launches the interval extension as a long-running container. When your pipeline subscribes to it. The interval extension starts a timer and when 5 minutes have passed the extension sends an API request to Gofer, causing Gofer to run your pipeline.

Gofer Provided Extensions

You can create your own extensions, but Gofer provides some provided extensions for use.

How do I install a Extension?

Extensions must first be installed by Gofer administrators before they can be used. They can be installed by the CLI. For more information on how to install a specific extension run:

gofer extension install -h

How do I configure a Extension?

Extensions allow for both system and pipeline configuration1. Meaning they have both Global settings that apply to all pipelines and Pipeline specific settings. This is what makes them so dynamically useful!

Pipeline Configuration

Most Extensions allow for some pipeline specific configuration usually referred to as "Parameters" or "Pipeline configuration".

These variables are passed when the user subscribes their pipeline to the extension. Each extension defines what this might be in it's documentation.

System Configuration

Most extensions have system configurations which allow the administrator or system to inject some needed variables. These are defined when the Extension is installed.


See a specific Extension's documentation for the exact variables accepted and where they belong.

How to add new Extensions/ How do I create my own?

Just like tasks, extensions are simply docker containers! Making them easily testable and portable. To create a new extension you simply use the included Gofer SDK.

The SDK provides an interface in which a well functioning GRPC service will be created from your concrete implementation.

// ExtensionServiceInterface provides a light wrapper around the GRPC extension interface. This light wrapper
// provides the caller with a clear interface to implement and allows this package to bake in common
// functionality among all extensions.
type ExtensionServiceInterface interface {
	// Init tells the extension it should complete it's initialization phase and return when it is ready to serve requests.
	// This is useful because sometimes we'll want to start the extension, but not actually have it do anything
	// but serve only certain routes like the installation routes.
	Init(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionInitRequest) (*proto.ExtensionInitResponse, error)

	// Info returns information on the specific plugin
	Info(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionInfoRequest) (*proto.ExtensionInfoResponse, error)

	// Subscribe registers a pipeline with said extension to provide the extension's functionality.
	Subscribe(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionSubscribeRequest) (*proto.ExtensionSubscribeResponse, error)

	// Unsubscribe allows pipelines to remove their extension subscriptions.
	Unsubscribe(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeRequest) (*proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeResponse, error)

	// Shutdown tells the extension to cleanup and gracefully shutdown. If a extension
	// does not shutdown in a time defined by the Gofer API the extension will
	// instead be Force shutdown(SIGKILL). This is to say that all extensions should
	// lean toward quick cleanups and shutdowns.
	Shutdown(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionShutdownRequest) (*proto.ExtensionShutdownResponse, error)

	// ExternalEvent are json blobs of Gofer's /events endpoint. Normally webhooks.
	ExternalEvent(context.Context, *proto.ExtensionExternalEventRequest) (*proto.ExtensionExternalEventResponse, error)

	// Run the installer that helps admin user install the extension.
	RunExtensionInstaller(stream proto.ExtensionService_RunExtensionInstallerServer) error

	// Run the installer that helps pipeline users with their pipeline extension

For an commented example of a simple extension you can follow to build your own, view the interval extension:

// Extension interval simply runs the subscribed pipeline at the given interval.
// This package is commented in such a way to make it easy to deduce what is going on, making it
// a perfect example of how to build other extensions.
// What is going on below is relatively simple:
//   - All extensions are run as long-running containers.
//   - We create our extension as just a regular program, paying attention to what we want our variables to be
//     when we install the extension and when a pipeline subscribes to this extension.
//   - We assimilate the program to become a long running extension by using the Gofer SDK and implementing
//     the needed sdk.ExtensionServiceInterface.
//   - We simply call NewExtension and let the SDK and Gofer go to work.
package main

import (

	// The proto package provides some data structures that we'll need to return to our interface.
	proto "github.com/clintjedwards/gofer/proto/go"

	// The sdk package contains a bunch of convenience functions that we use to build our extension.
	// It is possible to build a extension without using the SDK, but the SDK makes the process much
	// less cumbersome.
	sdk "github.com/clintjedwards/gofer/sdk/go/extensions"

	// Golang doesn't have a standardized logging interface and as such Gofer extensions can technically
	// use any logging package, but because Gofer and provided extensions use zerolog, it is heavily encouraged
	// to use zerolog. The log level for extensions is set by Gofer on extension start via Gofer's configuration.
	// And logs are interleaved in the stdout for the main program.

// Extensions have two types of variables they can be passed.
//   - They take variables called "config" when they are installed.
//   - They take variables called "parameters" for each pipeline that subscribes to them.

// This extension has a single parameter called "every".
const (
	// "every" is the time between pipeline runs.
	// Supports golang native duration strings: https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration
	// Examples: "1m", "60s", "3h", "3m30s"
	ParameterEvery = "every"

// And a single config called "min_duration".
const (
	// The minimum interval pipelines can set for the "every" parameter.
	ConfigMinInterval = "min_interval"

// Extensions are subscribed to by pipelines. Gofer will call the `subscribe` function for the extension and
// pass it details about the pipeline and the parameters it wants.
// This structure is meant to keep details about those subscriptions so that we may
// perform the extension's duties on those pipeline subscriptions.
type subscription struct {
	namespace              string
	pipeline               string
	pipelineExtensionLabel string
	quit                   context.CancelFunc

// SubscriptionID is simply a composite key of the many things that make a single subscription unique.
// We use this as the key in a hash table to lookup subscriptions. Some might wonder why label is part
// of this unique key. That is because extensions should expect that pipelines might
// want to subscribe more than once.
type subscriptionID struct {
	namespace              string
	pipeline               string
	pipelineExtensionLabel string

// Extension is a structure that every Gofer extension should have. It is essentially a God struct that coordinates things
// for the extension as a whole. It contains all information about our extension that we might want to reference.
type extension struct {
	// Extensions can be run without "initializing" them. This allows Gofer to run things like the installer without
	// having to pass the extension everything it needs to work for normal cases.
	// It might be useful to track whether the extension was initialized or not.
	isInitialized bool

	// The lower limit for how often a pipeline can request to be run.
	minInterval time.Duration

	// During shutdown the extension will want to stop all intervals immediately. Having the ability to stop all goroutines
	// is very useful.
	quitAllSubscriptions context.CancelFunc

	// The parent context is stored here so that we have a common parent for all goroutines we spin up.
	// This enables us to manipulate all goroutines at the same time.
	parentContext context.Context

	// Mapping of subscription id to actual subscription. The subscription in this case also contains the goroutine
	// cancel context for the specified extension. This is important, as when a pipeline unsubscribes from a this extension
	// we will need a way to stop that specific goroutine from running.
	subscriptions map[subscriptionID]*subscription

	// Generic extension configuration set by Gofer at startup. Useful for interacting with Gofer.
	systemConfig sdk.ExtensionSystemConfig

// Init serves to set up the extension for it's main functionality. It is needed mostly because we sometimes need
// extensions to launch, but not actually serve all requests(like when we're running the extensions install endpoints).
// The Gofer server when launching an extension will call the Init endpoint and then wait until
// a successful response is returned to mark the extension ready to take subscriptions.
func (e *extension) Init(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionInitRequest) (*proto.ExtensionInitResponse, error) {
	minDurationStr := request.Config[ConfigMinInterval]
	minDuration := time.Minute * 1
	if minDurationStr != "" {
		parsedDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(minDurationStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		minDuration = parsedDuration

	e.parentContext, e.quitAllSubscriptions = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	e.minInterval = minDuration
	e.subscriptions = map[subscriptionID]*subscription{}

	config, _ := sdk.GetExtensionSystemConfig()
	e.systemConfig = config
	e.isInitialized = true

	return &proto.ExtensionInitResponse{}, nil

// startInterval is the main logic of what enables the interval extension to work. Each pipeline that is subscribed runs
// this function which simply waits for the set duration and then calls the StartRun endpoint for Gofer.
func (e *extension) startInterval(ctx context.Context, namespace, pipeline string, pipelineExtensionLabel string, duration time.Duration,
) {
	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
		case <-time.After(duration):
			client, ctx, err := sdk.Connect()
			if err != nil {
				log.Error().Err(err).Str("namespaceID", namespace).Str("pipelineID", pipeline).
					Str("extension_label", pipelineExtensionLabel).Msg("could not connect to Gofer")


			config, _ := sdk.GetExtensionSystemConfig()

			resp, err := client.StartRun(ctx, &proto.StartRunRequest{
				NamespaceId: namespace,
				PipelineId:  pipeline,
				Variables:   map[string]string{},
				Initiator: &proto.Initiator{
					Type:   proto.Initiator_EXTENSION,
					Name:   fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", config.Name, pipelineExtensionLabel),
					Reason: "Triggered due to the passage of time",
			if err != nil {
				log.Error().Err(err).Str("namespaceID", namespace).Str("pipelineID", pipeline).
					Str("extension_label", pipelineExtensionLabel).Msg("could not start new run")


			log.Debug().Str("namespace_id", namespace).Str("pipeline_id", pipeline).
				Str("extension_label", pipelineExtensionLabel).Int64("run_id", resp.Run.Id).
				Msg("new tick for specified interval; new event spawned")

// Gofer calls subscribe when a pipeline wants to subscribe to this extension.
// The logic here is simple:
//   - Retrieve the pipeline's requested parameters.
//   - Validate the parameters.
//   - Create a new subscription object and enter it into our map.
//   - Call the `startInterval` function in a goroutine for that specific pipeline and return.
func (e *extension) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionSubscribeRequest) (*proto.ExtensionSubscribeResponse, error) {
	interval, exists := request.Config[strings.ToUpper(ParameterEvery)]
	if !exists {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find required configuration parameter %q; received config params: %+v", ParameterEvery, request.Config)

	duration, err := time.ParseDuration(interval)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse interval string: %w", err)

	if duration < e.minInterval {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("durations cannot be less than %s", e.minInterval)

	subID := subscriptionID{

	// It is perfectly possible for Gofer to attempt to subscribe an already subscribed pipeline. In this case,
	// we can simply ignore the request.
	_, exists = e.subscriptions[subID]
	if exists {
		log.Debug().Str("namespace_id", request.NamespaceId).Str("extension_label", request.PipelineExtensionLabel).
			Str("pipeline_id", request.PipelineId).Msg("pipeline already subscribed; ignoring request")
		return &proto.ExtensionSubscribeResponse{}, nil

	subctx, quit := context.WithCancel(e.parentContext)
	e.subscriptions[subID] = &subscription{
		namespace:              request.NamespaceId,
		pipeline:               request.PipelineId,
		pipelineExtensionLabel: request.PipelineExtensionLabel,
		quit:                   quit,

	go e.startInterval(subctx, request.NamespaceId, request.PipelineId, request.PipelineExtensionLabel, duration)

	log.Debug().Str("namespace_id", request.NamespaceId).Str("extension_label", request.PipelineExtensionLabel).
		Str("pipeline_id", request.PipelineId).Msg("subscribed pipeline")
	return &proto.ExtensionSubscribeResponse{}, nil

// Pipelines change and this means that sometimes they will no longer want to be executed by a particular extension or maybe
// they want to change the previous settings on that extension. Because of this we need a way to remove pipelines that were
// previously subscribed.
func (e *extension) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeRequest) (*proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeResponse, error) {
	subscription, exists := e.subscriptions[subscriptionID{
		namespace:              request.NamespaceId,
		pipeline:               request.PipelineId,
		pipelineExtensionLabel: request.PipelineExtensionLabel,

	// It is perfectly possible for Gofer to attempt to unsubscribe an already unsubscribed pipeline. In this case,
	// we can simply ignore the request.
	if !exists {
		log.Debug().Str("namespace_id", request.NamespaceId).Str("extension_label", request.PipelineExtensionLabel).
			Str("pipeline_id", request.PipelineId).Msg("no subscription found for pipeline")
		return &proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeResponse{}, nil

	delete(e.subscriptions, subscriptionID{
		namespace:              request.NamespaceId,
		pipeline:               request.PipelineId,
		pipelineExtensionLabel: request.PipelineExtensionLabel,
	return &proto.ExtensionUnsubscribeResponse{}, nil

// Info is mostly used as a health check endpoint. It returns some basic info about a extension, the most important
// being where to get more documentation about that specific extension.
func (e *extension) Info(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionInfoRequest) (*proto.ExtensionInfoResponse, error) {
	registered := []string{}
	for _, sub := range e.subscriptions {
		registered = append(registered, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", sub.namespace, sub.pipeline))

	return &proto.ExtensionInfoResponse{
		Name:          e.systemConfig.Name,
		Documentation: "https://clintjedwards.com/gofer/ref/extensions/provided/interval.html",
		Registered:    registered,
	}, nil

// The ExternalEvent endpoint tells the extension what to do if they get messages from Gofer's external event system.
// This system is set up to facilitate webhook interactions like those that occur for github
// (A user pushes a branch, Gofer gets an event from github).
// The ExternalEvent will come with a payload which the extension can then authenticate, process, and take action on.
func (e *extension) ExternalEvent(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionExternalEventRequest) (*proto.ExtensionExternalEventResponse, error) {
	return &proto.ExtensionExternalEventResponse{}, nil

// A graceful shutdown for a extension should clean up any resources it was working with that might be left hanging.
// Sometimes that means sending requests to third parties that it is shutting down, sometimes that just means
// reaping its personal goroutines.
func (e *extension) Shutdown(ctx context.Context, request *proto.ExtensionShutdownRequest) (*proto.ExtensionShutdownResponse, error) {
	if e.isInitialized {

	return &proto.ExtensionShutdownResponse{}, nil

// The ExtensionInstaller is a small script that gets piped to the admin who is trying to set up this particular
// extension. The installer is meant to guide the user through the different configuration options that the
// installer has globally.
func (e *extension) RunExtensionInstaller(stream proto.ExtensionService_RunExtensionInstallerServer) error {
	err := sdk.SendInstallerMessageToClient(stream, "The interval extension allows users to run their pipelines on the passage of "+
		"time by setting a particular duration.\n")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = sdk.SendInstallerMessageToClient(stream, "First, let's prevent users from setting too low of an interval by "+
		"setting a minimum duration. Durations are set via Golang duration strings. For example, entering a duration "+
		"of '10h' would be 10 hours, meaning that users can only run their pipeline at most every 10 hours. "+
		"You can find more documentation on valid strings here: https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration.")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		err = sdk.SendInstallerQueryToClient(stream, "Set a minimum duration for all pipelines: ")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		clientMsg, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = time.ParseDuration(clientMsg.Msg)
		if err != nil {
			err = sdk.SendInstallerMessageToClient(stream, fmt.Sprintf("Malformed duration %q; %v", clientMsg.Msg, err))
			if err != nil {
				return err

		err = sdk.SendInstallerConfigSettingToClient(stream, ConfigMinInterval, clientMsg.Msg)
		if err != nil {
			return err


	err = sdk.SendInstallerMessageToClient(stream, "Interval extension configuration finished")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// The PipelineConfigurator is a small script that a pipeline owner can run when subscribing to this extension.
// It's meant to guide the pipeline owner through the different options of the extension.
func (e *extension) RunPipelineConfigurator(stream proto.ExtensionService_RunPipelineConfiguratorServer) error {
	err := sdk.SendConfiguratorMessageToClient(stream, "The interval extension allows you to run your pipelines on the passage of "+
		"time by setting a particular duration.\n")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = sdk.SendConfiguratorMessageToClient(stream, "Durations are set via Golang duration strings. "+
		"For example, entering a duration of '10h' would be 10 hours, meaning that your pipeline would run once every 10 hours. "+
		"You can find more documentation on valid strings here: https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration.")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		err = sdk.SendConfiguratorQueryToClient(stream, "Set your pipeline run interval: ")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		clientMsg, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = time.ParseDuration(clientMsg.Msg)
		if err != nil {
			err = sdk.SendConfiguratorMessageToClient(stream, fmt.Sprintf("Malformed duration %q; %v", clientMsg.Msg, err))
			if err != nil {
				return err

		err = sdk.SendConfiguratorParamSettingToClient(stream, ParameterEvery, clientMsg.Msg)
		if err != nil {
			return err


	err = sdk.SendConfiguratorMessageToClient(stream, "Interval extension configuration finished")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// Lastly we call our personal NewExtension function, which now implements the ExtensionServerInterface and then we
// pass it to the NewExtension function within the SDK.
// From here the SDK will use the given interface and run a GRPC service whenever this program is called with the
// positional parameter "server". Ex. "./extension server"
// Whenever this program is called with the parameter "installer" then it will print out the installation instructions
// instead.
func main() {
	extension := extension{}